You really have to do your homework if you're going to argue for, or against something. You have do even more if you are to be taken seriously and not fuel your own agenda. Deborah Glick, assembly member of the 66th district recently wrote a post against lifting the ban on MMA in New York for "The Villager" and tried to paint the sport as unsafe.
Ms. Glick did this by citing a study from an issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine from 2014. She did not provide a link to the study, which means she was referring to an actual paper article from two years ago she may have had some lackey dig up. This is what she wrote:
"The attempt to sanitize MMA is betrayed by the facts. According to a recent study in the March 21, 2014, issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine, about one-third of professional MMA matches end in a knockout or a technical knockout. A technical knockout occurs when a fight is stopped by a referee who determines that a fighter is no longer able to defend him- or herself. This study indicates that there is a higher incidence of brain trauma in MMA than in boxing or other martial arts."
Really? Well, how come there are more studies, more recent that contradict that "recent" study?
Like, this one from the University of Alberta. While the chance if getting injured in MMA is higher than that of boxing, the severity of the possible injuries is less likely to be as long term as the brain damage that occurs in boxing. Sports medicine physician Shelby Karpman who did the study pretty much found that injuries just look worse than they actually are. Also, more of the injuries happen in preparation for a bout than in the actual bout. One more thing, Karpman does not support banning MMA like Ms. Glick does.
"I always say if you're going to ban a sport, you need statistics. Just watching mixed martial arts twice on TV does not cut it. And even if you ban a sport, you're not going to stop it. You're just going to take it underground where they're not going to receive medical care." -Shelby Karpman
That is the problem that exists in New York now Ms. Glick. People will do it illegally and get hurt because they won't receive the proper treatment professional fighters receive in every other state that has legalized MMA. If you are going to try and make people believe something and make it be about the UFC and a money agenda, don't overlook the facts while trying to satisfy your own.
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