Monday, August 3, 2015

The Strain 'The Silver Angel" Recap/review

Photo: Amazon product photo

The second book of The Strain trilogy introduces one of the stand out characters from the story, El Angel de Plata (The Silver Angel). A luchador that lost his way from the days when he was a legendary wrestler who appeared in films fighting evil. He makes his appearance in the second book of the trilogy.

Growing up young and Latino around the 70's and 80's people may remember a similar character that had stories and adventures in Mexican cinema known as Mi Masquera (The Mask). The Silver Angel seems to come from either Del Toro, or Hogans memories of the old character and it is an awesome addition to the story. Fans of the book were probably looking forward to last nights episode as they finally brought him into the show.

So far, since we have been following the story on our home, small screens, the changes are not unwelcome from the book. Although it may bother some people that Gus recognized The Silver Angel so early in the show, it may mean they are planning for great things for the character on television in the future. It was hard to focus on anything else if you were waiting for him to show up, like we at +The Blogboard Jungle were doing.

Rest assured, great things are on the way if you felt last nights episode was a little dry. That seems to happen when the episodes focus on Eph. Don't worry though, so far the show has done its other characters justice. Gus, Fet, and all the villainous characters will soon be throwing down before the season is over.

If you are impatient, you could always read the books. A store has been added to the site that features many of the products and fandoms written about here. Feel free to browse and pick up a good read if you want a look ahead at what might happen.

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