Monday, August 21, 2017

The Defenders|Netflix Quick Review

ABC Studios/Marvel television
Finally, fans get the Marvel +Netflix mash-up they have been waiting for. The Defenders premiered this weekend on the streaming service and bringing together all these New York based characters for a season of super-hero action is something that is sure to inspire cosplayers for all the upcoming conventions this fall.

The eight-episode series unites the crew to face what has been building behind the scenes in each characters respective series. It may seem a little short, but this should be a good enough binge to hold us off while we wait for the solo follow-up seasons to kick off. The action is good, the story suffers a little while trying to address smaller subplots for other shows.

Iron Fist is a big part of what moves the story, as is the involvement of The Hand and the mythos of Kun-lun. But it isn't a big deal if you weren't a fan of that show, they do a good enough job explaining things in this series. Again, the stories connected to each character is mentioned briefly so if you feel a rewatch is necessary then it's a good thing it's on Netflix.

Some of those subplots are downright interruptions, especially when coming from Misty Knight forcing her police role into situations that just don't call for it, usually at the worst possible time except for the final episode. At this point, if you are into any aspect of the Marvel television universe on Netflix you have to get these eight episodes out of the way.

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